Toonie Halloween Stickers

Hi dribbblers!

Halloween is coming – have you already chosen the scariest costume ever? Toonie has! To support the spirit of upcoming holiday, we have designed the additional set of unique stickers for Toonie users: all the cute toons will celebrate this spooky day with you. Three of them are presented in this shot, still the full set is much bigger and funnier. We also added new Halloween sounds to choose for alarms and make the holiday even scarier. Don't miss them, the stickers will be available ONLY on Halloween! Bright upcoming holiday to you, hurry up to download the app and collect all the Halloween stickers you wish. Trick or win, guys!

Toonie Alarm is a brand new alarm application for iPhones designed and developed by Tubik Studio team. Clear layout, bright interface, funny stickers and achievements – everything to make the day cheerful from the first moment you open your eyes. And it's free for everyone. Stay tuned!

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