Reading Main Center(Online library)

This little project was made in the context of Smarthack 2016 , a 24h Hackaton.

The theme was building an online library where clients can borrow books for a period of time( with the condition that if a book is downloaded it must be encrypted), they can set preferences and recieve suggested books based on that tags and self learning machine.
Some mandatory elements were:
-Displaying related books based on what other users borrowed in the same session.
-Admin can edit, remove, add and manage both users and books.
-The content that is downloaded must be encrypted.

We were a team of 3 people, from wich a Ux/Ui Designer, a frontender and a backender. The backend was made in Java Web Aplication on an Apache Tomcat server, JSF with Primes Face for connecting the back and front.

The design is made on bootstrap grid, so it's responsive on both mobile and desktop.

Here you can find a short demo for invision of the platform
Pass: SmartHack2016_LSAC

More by Andrei Dumitrescu

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