Qualitime Mobile App Proposal

The Idea
In order for the user to spend less time on his/her phone, Qualitime is an app that gives smart tips based on his/her interests and lifestyle. This way, the user can enjoy more
quality time doing activities which do not involve his/her mobile device.

The Competition
Most apps that deal with smartphone addiction are acting as a “wake-up call” for the users. Their goal is to show them detailed statistics of the apps they are overusing. Some of them employ aggressive ways to stop the user’s addiction to his/her mobile phone, like forcefully closing the used apps or flooding the screen with alerts.

Understanding the user’s needs
Many smartphone users are spending too much time on their devices and may need an app to help them reduce their on-screen time. Even though they may lack the discipline
to stop on their own, I believe they do not need drastic measures in the form of punishment from an app. This could result in them getting frustrated and/or deleting the app.
Occasionally, the user may be dealing with an emergency or an urgent matter and forget about the app running in the background. In this case, he/she shouldn’t be forced to terminate the specific app. The user should have a pleasant experience in order to gradually change his/her habits through the use of an app.

Qualitime App Features
- Smart personalized tips to help the users seize the day, everyday.
- The users are informed on how much time they spends on their phone in comparison with other activities.
- The users can set specific times they want to be on their phone daily.
- Easy to use app with constant feedback and encouragement for the users.
- Badges and a bit of gamification (possible future features).

Findings and Learnings
I put the app in the hands of a friend to do a small validation test. You can see my findings and learnings below:
- Even though the app is not developed, we must pay extra attention to the smart tips given to the user. For example, my friend was already outdoors when the app
(the prototype) suggested she should go out. The designer will need to closely communicate with the developer so the smart tips are as accurate as possible.
- When Qualitime suggested some books to read, my friend immediately Googled the books. This defeats the purpose of the app as it is supposed to keep you away
from your phone. We should accept the fact that this is a possibility and try to make smart tips better.
- My friend was a bit hesitant concerning the signup or signup with Facebook choices as well as turning on push notifications and location services.

Tools used
- For the storyboard: pen and paper.
- For the wireframes: Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 and Helvetica Neue font family.
- For the high fidelity design and icons: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and Brandon Grotesque font family.
- For the app’s logo: Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.

Check more details in the attachments and a simple clickable prototype here: https://marvelapp.com/1e4bag5

More by Viki Kavallari

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