Empathy Map - A Fantastic World Concept for IKEA

ABOUT THE PROJECT IKEA Greece mainly stands out because of the well-designed and value for money home furniture. If someone is looking to make some affordable changes in their home, IKEA is usually the first place they visit. IKEA has also created a well structured children's department (ages 0-12). The children's furniture, toys, and accessories have good, safe design with accessible prices and good construction quality. The client requested we come up with a way to highlight and promote these features.

TARGET GROUP - USER PERSONAS The target group for this concept proposal is mainly parents (especially mothers), aged 25 to 49 years who want the best for their kids and they are not familiar with IKEA's children's department quality products. Before generating ideas, we employed our empathy to help us understand our target group's goals, struggles, and thoughts.

EMPATHY MAPS In addition to the user personas, we decided it was equally important to create empathy maps in order for our team to understand the prospective users more in depth; What are they thinking and how are they solving their problems? We proceeded to compose empathy maps with users in hypothetical situations. We chose this research method influenced by Paul's Boag article.

Check the overall case study here: https://vkavallari.webflow.io/ikea-fantastic-world

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