DailyUI #2

A *VERY* simple (quite boring too?) checkout/payment step page for a dog webshop. I wish I had more time to tweak it, but sadly deadlines are pushing and I forgot to make this for my dailyui challenge yesterday, so I'll be posting another one later.. Hate to rush stuff, but I wanted to get it done to follow the challenge.

Full: https://www.dropbox.com/s/smvbfjsg092wvhh/dailyui-002-full.png?dl=0

— Credits —
Background image from Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/DX4XRS7w6Cw)
Font: Avenir Next
Color inspiration from lolcolors.com
Icon from Material Icons (SVGsus app)
Logo from acmelogos.com

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