2 Dribbble Invites!

I didn't realize I've been sitting on a couple of Dribbble invites so let's fix this!

Send me the following at sayhi[at]lateisha[dot]com with "Dribbble Treat" in the subject line:

1) Your portfolio, website link, or 3 of your favorite projects. Include a link to your Dribbble Prospect profile, if you have it (you should!). 2) Something about yourself. I want to know the person behind the designs! 3) A project idea you need a collaborator for/have been procrastinating doing OR a description of the types of projects you've been wanting to work on.

Trick or treat! I'll award the invites by midnight on Halloween—you have plenty of time. Good luck! ___ Update: I've awarded invites to @ThibaultClm and @AJ. Welcome them!

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