Fashion app (iOS)

Hello there DribbbleVille, I can finally share the greatest part of the project I previewed you last week :)

So basically after using Canopy app for a while, I realized I really like apps that suggest you curated lists for cool items to shop, but what I had in my mind was a little bit different.

I wanted something that could unite curated list and fashion, in a very convenient way, so here’s the concept I had in mind.

Basically here you get a feed (a curated list) with fashion items,you can give a “Thunder” to the ones you like the most so they will appear in your profile and you won’t lose them, or even put them into different collections that you would create. You can view the product in details and also buy them (with a link that will remind you to the official store, for example the Zara one).

You also get an explore tab, that will show you all the latest collections from the best fashion companies, you will be able to quickly scroll them, to open the one you’re interested in and see a description of the item you’re looking at.
It’ll be the whole collection.

Third tab is the “Stories” tab, something that will get you even more into fashion world, showing you articles and stories about fashion, written by models themselves or by editorials.

Fourth tab is categories, where you will be able to browse the items much quicker thanks to the organized categories.

Last tab is “My profile” where you will see all the stuff you gave a “Thunder” to, and all the stuff you put between your collections.

What I’m showing here are the majority of the screens, although some are still missing, but I’ll be posting some gifs in following weeks showing you interactions and also a Marvel link where you will be able to try it yourself.

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Posted on Sep 25, 2016

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