iOS 10 | iMessage Groups Concept
Having a blast time exploring iOS 10 debug ideas with Principle app. If you like this animation, please download! @Emery Wells just closed a $10M Serie A with Accel Partners, and is hiring top designers in NYC. Take your chance and apply here!
In the current iOS 10 beta, topbar members view gets expanded horizontally. At ux level, horizontal scroll isn't convenient to browse a list: (1) cropped by safe width area, (2) showing 3 items at a time, (3) plus objects are not clickable. Frustrating, the click-to-expand finally forces user to leave chat screen anyway, by accessing group details via info icon (upper right corner). As a result, the whole experience makes the purpose of the click decorative more than helpful. I wanted a quick and relevant access to members list without leaving chat screen. Using vertical expansion instead of horizontal scroll, the topbar could turn into a sheet, to better enable quick actions - invite/call/etc - items are now clickable :) The purpose of the sheet is to save you unnecessary navigation and clicks to access immediate information as needed. If more than 7-8 members, sheet's height should preserve click-outside to collapse, and scroll-in to browse list. Some quick shortcuts can be added via swipe/press-hold gestures to create new contact, txt, call, etc. Consistent behavior would apply to 1-1 messages, as well. I'd love to post a version of it! Have a nice weekend :)