Nike+ Running App (+Freebie)

Hello Dribbblers!

Healthy body equals healthy mind, right? So why not spend some time running to counter all those hours at our desks? And while we're at it why not have some fancy app that will enable us to track your progress and motivate yourself?

I use Nike+ Club app to track my mileage but design of it has left lot to be desired... sooo here is (another) Nike themed Dribbble shot :)

Changes here are not just on visual level; goal here is to enable users to start tracking runs ASAP. You will notice that runs that need configuration (Duration and Distance run) have underlined numbers (meaning they can be edited) and Basic and Speed run just show info on your last run. In that way you can see your setup in a single glance and change it if required. Faded out next and previous runs imply there is more content to be scrolled through.

I imagine that fair number of you will wonder how is it made so I included Principle source file for you to learn and thinker with. Think of it as thank you to community that openly shares its work, too :)

I have also included .mov file of animation so you can see it without .gif limitations.

Thx people!

See you soon ;)
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Mario Šimić
Pushing pixels, posting them here👇

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