Kadince Mascot Process 01
Damn well this creature finally got made (actually a few months ago but im only getting around to posting now)
Will certainly have fun writing up some process stuff about this one and how we designed him with mascot fab in mind etc. Photos thanks to client Kadince and the mascot manufacturers.
I was able to have a hand in fabric picking, revisions on proportions, and even some input on the engineering of this, as much as was helpful, anyway. it was a super cool process and this is not the finest our koala will be, we're going to keep patching him up and making him better and better. Some things we think could use work but overall super happy with him. The trade shows he's popped up at have created a huge amount of buzz and fun, which is of course the goal that we're succeeding at. That makes me happy.
Anyway will post more about this when there's time, thought it'd be fun to see in the interim.