Juan Gabriel Por Siempre
I made this without knowing he would ever see this. I never would've imagined he would ever wear it. I feel so honored to be at least a teeny tiny microscopic part of it, even if he had only worn the shoes for half a second. Thank you for being such a kind soul. You will be missed more than you'll ever know, amor eterno! I had to dig a lot to find these photos, made this back in October 2012. Brilliant shoe-making by Francisco RamĂrez, Francisco Castro and their team from Leon, Guanajuato, MX. Thanks Carlos Sanchez for making it all happen! Learn more about it here: https://www.am.com.mx/2016/09/08/leon/vidas/se-pusieron-en-sus-zapatos-311723http://heraldoleon.mx/lo-se-ve-se-pregunta-leon-calzo-a-juanga/
View full project here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/42819261/Juan-Gabriel-Por-Siempre