Hair On Fire

Work-in-progress. I thought it would be fun and instructive to compare the quick rough to the more polished final art. In the redraw I wanted to give the character a more believable 3-dimensional form and correct some really weird deformities.

I kept the construction drawing layer visible to show how a few guidelines and a simple ball and stick skeletal system helped to correct the wacky deformed limbs. The torso's bent hot-dog shape helped created a more elegant shape for the shirt. A few guidelines help the facial features to wrap around the head rather than sit on the plane of the paper.

The exaggerated popping eyeball in the original drawing was intentional and kind of fun but made her a little creepy. The final character is equally panicked but not deformed.

The character's form is now better separated from the plane of the screen/page but without losing too much of the loose style. She's now more dimensional and her form has some visual weight.

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