
So, it's finally happening...

Today I'm announcing my most recent, and most finished tweak and polish of the ol' personal portfolio -- This one has been a looonng time in the making, just sucks this wasn't ready way back for the May 1st Reboot hype train.

Since graduating in 2014 I've scraped together any time I can towards building this as I wanted to making it all myself from scratch. Like many others this has been through tiny modifications and ditching full versions completely

...but in no way do I see it as a negative.

My process has been very much the case of get down a my best ideas and create and code up little scrappy versions to see how they work in practice, and then combine all their tasty best bits into a franken-site. Albeit a considered and sexy franken-site compared to its hack and slash predecessors.

I may be of the generation who is more lenient to skip past the traditional sketchbook phase of designing -- or this could be down to my hyperactive personality to get something built asap -- but this has lead me down a more functionality focused approach. Starting out, my initial ideas had a lot of content which has now been removed, this is because they were realistically unnecessary, and distracted from what this is supposed to showcase -- my work.

So, here it is, please feel free have a peruse, and if you have any feedback I would love to hear back from you. I'm always picking at this thing to try and improve it. So don't hold back...




"Art is never finished, only abandoned."
- Leonardo da Vinci

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