Neuroon Intelligent Sleep Mask / Video by Clipatize Releasing our explainer video for Neuroon - one of the hottest start-ups out at the moment. Neuroon offers an intelligent sleep mask, which adapts your sleep to your lifestyle, so you can make the most out of your day. It offers unique benefits, which go beyond usual smart sleep masks, which usually simply monitor the sleep and inform about what is the best time to go to sleep. What is unique about Neuroon is the fact that in time, it changes the person's biorhythm to adapt it to her lifestyle, whether it's working shifts, frequent travelling or irregular sleep. Our goal was to create a vivid commercial with an explainer style, to show the 5 features of Neuroon: Neuroon Sunrise Biorhythm Adjuster Personal Pause Energy Boost and Jet Lag Blocker. That was an amazing collaboration guys! #‎goNeuroon #‎video #‎wearables We're preparing a full Case Study on the Neuroon video production - stay tuned! In the meantime, read some early production stage BTS here:…/why-working-on-product-launch-is-so-re… Way to go! the Clipatize Team Video Style: Live Footage + 3D animation + Typography in Visual Overlay Shooting location: Warsaw, Poland

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