The legend of the dancing birches (Kazakh folk legend)
Close to the lake Burabay people lived, young people who were skilled in poetry, singing and dance. Their skill in these arts they honed in games, competitions and festivals. The news about this nation spread so far that the Khan decided to look at the fun the young people on the lake. His whole entourage scared to be gay people, so he took with him only one servant, and himself clothed with the dress of the poor. The party was in full swing, it was the turn of the dancing girls in filmy silk white robes. The girls moved so elegantly and gracefully that it seemed as if they have no body. Khan, delighted with the dance, did not restrain exclamations of delight and gave himself. At this point, all the participants learned of the Governor, rushed to greet him. Girl froze in confusion, and the great Tengri stopped forever the moment, turning them into white birch, swirling to this day in a whirlwind of dance.