Hero League Sketches
These sketches and ideas were something that I did a while back, before Blizzard updated the UI for the Heroes of the Storm Hero League Draft.
Some of the features I would have liked to see implemented: • A roll selection icon instead of a hero hover for the players who know that they want to fill a particular role in the group, but are hesitant to hover a hero before seeing what would fit in with the team's picks, and the enemy's counter-picks.
• The ability to click on a locked-in hero on either side of the screen to see more information about that hero's abilities and talents. At high-end competition, this isn't always needed, but being able to see that information would be useful for newer players, heroes, or after a balance change to a hero.
• Move the chat box so it doesn't cover up any of the important parts of the UI-- such as character selection or the enemy team's final pick.
• More sorting options (which was added in the official Blizzard redesign). I still feel that pagination isn't the most conventional or intuitive way to handle having too many heroes on the screen; I'd much rather see a smooth scroll.
Of course, there are a lot of challenges in redesigning an Interface like this, such as the multitudes of monitor sizes and resolutions. A design has to be able to fit on a 4:3 monitor (yes, even in this day and age. I've played BlizzHeroes on a 4:3 monitor), as well as look good on 4k monitors. And since there is no preview or tutorial on how to use the draft, it has to be self-evident and self-explanatory in the short amount of time that the player has to make their selection.
(I don't work for Blizzard, and these sketches were purely a personal passtime because of my passion for Blizzard and Heroes of the Storm)