Flash Challenge: The Fighting Crabs
This logo was the result of something our creative department does for fun once in a while. This thing is called a Flash Challenge. We start every Flash Challenge by drawing from 4 separate boxes, 4 separate characteristics:
1. An Industry
2. An Adjective
3. A Color Scheme
4. A Name
Once the 4 characteristics are drawn, we run back to our desks and we have 30 mins to design a logo or ad, depending on what fits the criteria the best. This most recent flash challenge might've been my favorite of all, the 4 characteristics drawn were:
1. Industry = Sports
2. Adjective = Aggresive
3. Color Scheme = Marine
4. Name = Fighting Crabs
The work that each designer produced was really great. These Flash Challenges sharpen our skills and help all of us with our resourcefulness, improvisation, ability to push through struggle, and they remind us how much can be done in a very small amount of time. More Flash Challenge results to come.