Heirloom Summer Ale

Final label for Harding House Brewing Co.'s Heirloom Summer Ale. Custom lettering on "Heirloom" and "Summer Ale" plus custom illustration.

With a focus on regional, natural ingredients, the minds at HHB decided to take Big Beer's GMO-corn stuffed "drinkable" light style and flip it on its head by using a heritage heirloom corn once found abundantly in the southeastern US. The Carolina White Gourdseed has been made less and less common in favor of GMO varieties and the demand for "improved" industrialized corn.

I love that instead of bashing Bud/Miller/Coors altogether, HHB are honoring the popular beer style while creating a demand for local, organic, regional produce at the same time. Cheers!

Joseph Ernst
Crafting heritage aesthetics for contemporary brands.

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