Tapdaq - Insights WIP 2

Morning! Yesterday I’ve reached an amazing milestone and become 7th from CZ/SK design scene who passed 10K Dribbble followers. Thanks for the journey!

I'm back with more updated previous shot and as I mentioned last time (I've unfortunately found 2 design bugs and deleted the shot) after a few months break from Tapdaq shots on my dribbble I'm finally back with new stuff. I'm currently redesigning our performance and onboarding for us being able to serve more features for our users.

I have plenty of stuff to share. I've also started working on something I call V6 of Tapdaq which is basically giving more structure to our screens with dividing all content into separate boxes. I'll share something more from Tapdaq in next two weeks.

Tapdaq Visual Design Overview on Behance - https://www.behance.net/gallery/30471045/Tapdaq-Dashboard-Visual-Design-Overview


Learn More About my Design Process - https://medium.com/sketch-app-sources/26-steps-of-product-dashboard-design-c97af84c4146#.nfjs2vwdr

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Jan Losert
Webflow Expert + Website/Product Designer
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