Avenir — Website Overview
So again a lot of time has passed since my last dribbble post, which was a teaser for my own portfolio site made using Semplice.
Well, it's not done yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT I have a good excuse for it: I used Semplice to build client websites. Such as this one which I launched lately.
CHECK IT OUT LIVE — the website of a local café & store called "Avenir" (German project)
NOTE: I did not design the logo.
This voluntary non-profit project was really interesting and enjoyable. And I got a lot of things I'd like to write down to explain why it was a special project. I'll save it for my case study on my personal site though.
Besides designing the original drafts in Sketch, discussing them with the Avenir team, planning the project myself, crafting the whole site in Semplice & Wordpress, facelifting the identity with new typography, drinking a lot of fresh coffee and craft beer, I shot the majority of the photos you can see on the website. Shooting stuff isn't my main activity but it sure was great and I learned a lot from it.