Playing Arts Special Edition Card Set - 7 ♥ Hearts
Playing Arts Cards
Playing Arts Cards have opened their well-known and popular artist oriented playing cards up to a public contest, to find 55 news cards for the next special addition. For more information on their work and the contest look here!
I have been invited to join 537 artists from 67 different countries to create a Special Edition pack. The following is my final entry, for the 7 ♥ Hearts category. It has been opened to a public vote, so if you like my design and would like to support me in the contest then follow these instruction:
1) Go here: 2) Wait for card to load! 3) Click "Like" directly under the card! Not in the 'contest' section (below the card). If it doesn't appear then look in a browser.
My thoughts on the design were to tie in a little of the heritage of playing cards, in the overall design, but at the same time to add a little steam-punk look to the design and give it a little gothic twist with the eyes. The notion being that 'Love is blind', and the Queen of Hearts is trying to unlock the correct heart to make her love become true.
All the work was digitally achieved, and my daughter helped pose for the two arms, as I am useless at drawing hands (a common fate with most artists). I simply sketched out the design on several pieces of paper and inside Photoshop built it up into a complete render-ready state. It was scanned and then digitally painted at 600dpi, and 15,000px on the longest side.