Design Disruptors Indianapolis Premier
Indianapolis has it's own community of design disruptors. From established companies, to startups and everything in-between. With diverse experience that spans the spectrum of industry: healthcare, marketing, education and agriculture just to mention a few. It's time we take a moment to share our stories and celebrate how our local community is changing the world through the power of design. Presented by DeveloperTown in partnership with Invision. If you're in the Indianapolis area and would like to attend a special pre-release screening of this documentary, you can register here. 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm Local Designs + Food Trucks + Beer 7:45 pm - 7:50 pm Welcome: Randy Fisher, Design Partner @developertown
7:45 pm - 8:00 pm Speaker: TBD
8:00 pm - 10:15 pm Screening of Design Disruptors