A Litmus Love Story

This week, I wrapped up some work I've been chipping away at for a while. All of our email templates are now responsive. Not only are they responsive in fancy, standards-compliant email clients, but they are also responsive in Gmail (even the native mobile apps for iOS and Android).

This is possible with what's called the "hybrid" approach. I started from a template shared by Ted over at Cerberus. I then heavily customized it to fit our needs. The hybrid approach, in essence, is a fluid layout that is given a maximum width (using CSS for most clients and conditional comments for Outlook). I had never worked with it before and I was quite happy to not leave Gmail (which is very popular among the team and with our user base) behind.

Also, no amount of responsive email work can go without go by without a love song for @Litmus. Let's be honest—working with HTML email could easily be one of the worst things you could do in our profession. But having a tool like Litmus handy has made me happy to volunteer for this work at three companies in a row now. Their tools keep getting better, they keep sharing more and more about the current state of HTML email, and they just seem to be great people.

I hope you love our new email templates as much as I love Litmus.

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