Tubik Studio | Book Swap

Hi mates! Let me introduce my new shot for you. This time it is the interface of a social network for readers concentrated on book swapping. Here you can see animated interactions within the app. I have chosen dark basic background as the application is image-driven and features a lot of diverse pictures including numerous book covers and users' avatars, so I like the style dark environment creates for all that stuff.
As you can see, I continue experimenting with interfaces and would really appreciate if I could get your opinion on some issues I am considering now, in particular:

1) What do you think about the general visual organization and presentation of the interface? Would you show your projects to your clients in this way or would you prefer classic mockups?
2) Data blocks like “Followers” and “Following” are so standard and recognizable elements for many social networks and blogs today that I've decided to optimize the space and factor out the common denominator leaving only 'ers and 'ing. What is your opinion about it? Will users be ready to understand those shortenings?
3) Do you think that absence of any icon is acceptable for the area of notifications? As you can see I left only the number.

Thanks in advance for all the thoughts, it would be great to discuss them here.

To share more ideas we get working on design projects and concepts in Tubik Studio, we regularly update Tubik Blog with new articles. The latest one is focused on the aspect of key abbreviations in design for business. Welcome to join!

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