
1949年,美国举行全国鸡尾酒大赛。 一位洛杉矶的酒吧调酒师Jean Durasa参赛。这款鸡尾酒正是他的冠军之作。之所以命名为Margarita cocktail,是想纪念他的已故恋人Margarita。1926年,Jean Durasa去墨西哥,与Margarita相恋,墨西哥成了他们的浪漫之地。然而,有一次当两人去野外打猎时,玛格丽特中了流弹,最后倒在恋人Jean Durasa的怀中,永远离开了。于是,Jean Durasa就用墨西哥的国酒Tequila为鸡尾酒的基酒,用柠檬汁的酸味代表心中的酸楚,用盐霜意喻怀念的泪水。如今,Margarita在世界酒吧流行的同时,也成为Tequila的代表鸡尾酒。么么哒In 1949, the National Cocktail Competition held in the United . A bartender in Los Angeles Jean Durasa competition. This cocktail is his for the championship. The reason is named Margarita cocktail, is intended to honor his late lover Margarita. In 1926, Jean Durasa to Mexico, fell in love with Margarita, Mexico became their romantic place. Once, however, when the two men go wild for hunting, a stray bullet in Margaret, finally fell to the lover Jean Durasa arms, never left. So, Jean Durasa to use for the wine country of Mexico Tequila cocktail base wine, with the acidity of lemon juice on behalf of the hearts of sorrow and grief, with tears Yanshuang Yiyu miss. Today, Margarita bar popular in the world, but also become a representative Tequila Cocktail,if u like it , press "L",and follow me thx guys

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