Introducing my new logo: the elephant!
I'm Enoch, and where I come from (i.e. born), elephants thrive. The forests of Sri Lanka are home to many, many elephants. They have learnt to co-exist with humans, and have been used to do many tasks better than even modern machinery can. They possess intelligence beyond count, a supposed "sixth sense", and an uncanny ability to judge situations well. They have a big brain, big nose, big ears, and even bigger dreams.
And this, is where I found the inspiration for making elephants my logo. I am able to adjust to situations, judge them well, produce great things in co existence with others, and generally do "big" things. I'm also very smart and have a relatively big nose, pair of ears, and legs/feet.
If you want to see big things, go hire me! And press that L if you liked this.