Integrated Telecommunication Systems

This client was looking for a website with a new look and feel that spoke more directly to their primary audience of engineers and that generated new leads.

We re-architected the site from scratch and it now has a modern, mobile-friendly design. Here are some of the highlights:

-ExpressionEngine CMS integration.
-Added alert messages to the top of the website to promote training events.
-Created a custom event registration form.
-Created a mailing list signup.
-Created a new FAQ section - this was important because a lot of the client's work is technical and they get asked the same questions many times. Now users can get answers directly from the website.
-Added a news feature so they can actively get the word out about the work they're doing.
-Created 301 redirects at go live to ensure that search engine rank wasn't lost.
-High quality imagery was used to speak to target audience.

Since go live, the website is already showing results in terms of conversions.

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