Android app All Taxi
All Taxi is a current catalog of carriers in four countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan which are always available, even if there is no Internet connection. All Taxi came to MOBOX to create an app that ensures an easy and quick taxi service. It encapsulates a dynamic interface with more pickup options in one experience. With convenient search and a variety of filters users can easily and quickly find the right service taxi, tow trucks, freight or passenger transport. The app automatically locates users’ address with GPS, saves frontmost services and trip history. Also users are able to overview a catalogue of each service, where they can find all needed information. Different icons are used to denote: - contact details; - night and day rates; - car choice; - form of payment; - comments and reviews of real customers; - list of additional services. A rate based on ads’ completeness and up-to-dateness, clients’ feedbacks helps users to choose an appropriate carrier service. To make an oder a user needs to select a carrier service, tap a phone number and specify starting and ending points of the trip. And in few minutes they will get confirmation information.