Dribbble Invite Contest!

Hey Everybody,

Little Wonkers and I still have those 2 dribbble invites laying around. In his free time, Little Wonkers has been trying to infuse the 2 invites with the Zika virus to see if he can make Zika harmless to humans. So far, the experiment has been yielding surprising results.

Isn't that what design is all about, solving a problem? This got me thinking, why not hold a design contest for the 2 dribbble invites? Here's what I've come up with…

Use your skills and style to desing something that makes the world a socially better place. This can be something that brings light to social injustices or political unrest. Maybe something that makes parenting easier. It can be a logo, an illustration, a product, a website, etc... Just have fun and be imaginative. Remember, Massimo Vignelli said, “If you can design one thing, you can design everything.”

If you are already on the court and have some free time and want to rebound this shot please do so. I would love to see what you come up with.

1) Like this shot if you want to. (It does help more people see it though)
2) Follow me if you want to. Seriously only if you want to.
3) Email me and my owl the contest shot. As well as your dribbble handle. quentin@quentinames.com

Have your submission in by June 16th 😀

It would also be cool for you to include some thoughts on how dribbble would help you. Don't forget your birth sign.

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