Ween-O-Rama Shirts
In the summer of 1999, some friends and I hauled a grill, couches, stereo, tv with original Nintendo, and other sundries to a local park and grilled hot dogs until the police came and asked us to leave (10pm sound ordinance?). We dubbed this gathering the Ween-O-Rama, and a tradition was born.
Last year was the 17th annual, so we felt it was time for some shirts (we've done hats, headbands, pins, stickers... but never shirts). I decided on two designs: the first, a simple, traditional, 'established' design; the second as a play off of the popular "all the things" meme. Both designs turned out spectacularly - we had many satisfied attendees.
If you're not familiar with "all the things", please enjoy the original post from Hyperbole and a Half: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html