Monty Python 'Camelot' Print
'Camelot' Official Monty Python Print
Here is my print for the upcoming Colours+Noun officially licensed Monty Python show, that opens 27th May in Leeds.
As a younger man I adored Monty Python. I still do, but not in the obsessive way I did as a lad. Holy Grail seemed like the most brilliant, bizarre and insane thing when I first saw it, and it had a huge part to play in shaping my sense of humour and work. I re-watched it when designing this print and still thought it was utterly brilliant. Generous and progressive work of the highest order.
To say being asked to be part of this show was a privilege doesn't quite cut it. I found making this work mentally mangling. How do you design something for Monty Python? Anyway, I did this...and now for something completely different...
Full info on the show can be found HERE:
Signed & numbered 3 colour screen print Limited edition of 50 (40 at the show, and 10 AP's available afterwards from me) A2
Full image can be seen here: