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We all love to talk about what TV shows and movies we're watching, or have watched. What if there was a simple way to see what your friends have watched recently by connecting their Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, etc. accounts?

Stop wasting time browsing around for what to watch next and dive right into a new series or movie based on what's popular amongst your friends/following! See where your friends are at in those series so you can talk about all the mind blowing things that happened without giving away spoilers knowing who's still a season behind.

Let me know what you think and what kind of features you'd like to see in an product like this.

Right now, this is an initial case study concept since Netflix and Hulu don't have open API's, but maybe someday, this could be a possibility.

Peter Deltondo
Co-Founder at Heyo. Let's chat about your next project.

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