5 Dribbble Invites

Hey creatives,

I have 5 invites to give. Yeah, that many. So, if you want to be a part of this great community, a follow won't hurt... and $100 each...

Just kiddin'.

Seriously now... Let me take a look at your work, see what you got. Here, use this address: hello[at]createdbychris.com.

The winners will be announced at the beginning of June.
Looking forward to your submissions.


UPDATE 1: Please don't attach your portfolio to the email but send me a link to it. Also, don't forget to also link to your Dribbble page. Thank you!

UPDATE 2: First invite goes out to @knrice. Congrats!
2nd invite goes to @lancooper
3rd invite - @Rizqi_hanafi

UPDATE 3: Congrats to @rickhunnersen for being drafted!

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