Easy Trans

Contribute for #jogjaplayoff
a challenge that initiated by @Ghani Pradita to make our city Jogja better.

The Concept

The main idea is to make a simple app that would inform people about Trans Jogja's schedule. Poeple can buy a ticket from this app, they also get a suggestion to the nearest halte from their destination. If the Bus get delayed, whether caused by traffic jam or other reason, the app would generate Apologize Card (trying to follow the concept from japanese fastest train). The passenger can show the card to their friends, or teacher or boss, or other people to make a reason for their late.

With this app I'm trying to invite people to use and prioritize public transport instead of their own. I hope the goverment will support by increasing the facilities of public transport. This is intended to reduce the traffic in our beloved city Jogjakarta.

Feedback really appreciated.

Happy weekend.


Zazuly Aziz
Pixels with Purpose Passion with Precision
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