Heroes & Villains


Lace up your patent leather boots and wiggle into your tights. It's time for Heroes + Villains.

The challenge is simple. Design a logo for a superhero or supervillain of your own creation (or both). Then tell us a little bit about him/her/it. Back-story, superpowers, secret identity, nemeses, that sort of thing.

Whoever has the most likes on each side (one hero and one villain) by next Friday will square off in a final battle to save/take over the earth. The fate of the world is in your hands.

Still working out what the prize will be. If anybody out there has something they'd be willing to donate, I'm all ears.

All right, enough talk. It's clobberin' time.

EDIT: Dan Cederholm has donated a Dribbble tee and stickers to the prize pool, and Jay Fanelli has offered a United Pixelworkeres tee. Thanks, guys.

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