Facebook stickers - Camping pt 1

Here's the first 6 of the stickers for that new facebook set i wont shut up about. This is the story so far with him. I had this idea to tell a mini story in the set itself but also allowing them each to do tell their own story individually and have a common enough use / reference that people can use them in every day situations.

Basically, he wakes up real tired, checks his phone. Womp! No messages (no friends?) Oh well! WHO CARES! I'm going on an adventure! I don't have to go to work today so lets just reconnect. Drive drive drive, this is fun. Wow nature what a nice day i cant wait. UH OH HERES THE TWIST! Skully doesnt know how to build shit. Things might not be as pleasant as he was anticipating!!

OR just go download them on messenger and see FOR URSELF.

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Kirk! Wallace
Constantly Comissioned Independent Commercial Art Studio. 🌙
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