Funnel UI concept

I was recently faced with the challenge of designing a funnel graph, showcasing campaign analytics stuff like impressions, clicks, signups etc.

Now, I really wanted to visualise the funnel progress, but quickly realised that going from 1 million impressions to 5K clicks would virtually make the funnel "disappear" (due to the typical low CTR rate of 0,5%) .

As a solution I added some transparent trails to the funnel element and kept a minimum height of around 4px. I really like the end result, as I think is has some visual weight to it, regardless of percentage sizes.

Now, this is just a mockup The live version will look a lot different, but customers will be able to change each funnel step in real-time allowing for some really nifty transitions between the elements.

I attached a higher resolution PNG and GIF for anyone interested.

Jesper Thorbjørn Hansen
I craft human-centered designs that delight and deliver

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