Berdikari - A Collaboration For Jogja

Hello everyone,

As we have a little event called #JogjaPlayOff that very very amazing and based on this event appeared some amazing concepts from Jogja's designer.


Not only designer can found a great concept to solve each problems in Jogja, but designer is only little part of them. Technology could helps people to solve the problem, but actually the main problem solver is the man behind and the user. Need a connection and collaboration between concept creator, creative engineer, and also IT engineer to make the concept (apps, poster campaign or digital campaign) live. So I try to make a place that would collect the everyone's concept by submission.

The Concept

I try to make a website that used for collaboration. If you have a great concept to solve the problem, just upload it there and you will find someone helping you to make your project realised and live !


Yo intinya ini website yang bakal ngumpulin konsep dari teman-teman dribbble yg keren keren ini. Kan eman-eman kalo cuma konsep tok tapi ngga ada realisasinya.. mubadzir kalo bahasa jawanya..

Kesimpulannya, adakah developer yang mau bantu bikin website semacam ini? yang kontribusinya ngga buat Jogja aja, nek bisa ya Indonesia Raya tempat Juminten berasal..

Nb : Ini bukanlah apa-apa tanpa karya @Dany Rizky @Ghani Pradita dan @Ervan M Wirawan didalamnya.. Sekeras apapun kalian berkarya, namanya perut kosong tetaplah lapar.. apalagi hati yang kosong.. camkan itu anak muda.. Happy Weekend!


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