SIGAP, App for Disaster Prepareness

Yogyakarta is a beautiful city, and dangerous too.

Have more than 3 big rivers and under the Giant Merapi, which is an active mount periodically have an eruption. In every eruption make lot of disaster, such as floods and landslides, gale and cold lava flooding.

You can read the news here:

It's mean flood became a yearly disaster for us, so in #JogjaPlayoff i was decided to make an emergency app, which is can be a tools to make an education for Yogya people about the flood disaster.

Within the app, people can read, learn and prepare if flood is coming. People can get a warning when flood is come, see the water level in the dam, have an emergency call, and know the save place for evacuation.

SIGAP for disaster prepareness.

Anggit Yuniar Pradito
Signaturing Experience through Pixels
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