
Hello Dribbblers, Dribbblets, Dribbbleys, and Dribbblonians. My name is Jeffrey Thelin. I'm a freelance designer and founder of www.teyleen.com.

I'm so pumped to be here and start getting involved in this community!

I started making minimal graphic designs over my photography a few years ago and haven't stopped. I'm massively inspired by the Bauhaus and Black Mountain School. I try to make graphics that respect the two-dimensional surface they appear on and always strive to do more with less.

Thank you so much for letting me into this cool group and expect more designs like this on a regular basis! Please go check out teyleen.com and tell me what you think! It's just beginning, but I think it could be something really special.


PS- I've been posting on instagram @teyleen for the past few years so check that out if you want to see more <3.

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