#DailyUI067 - Hotel Booking

I realized that over the past year, I had stayed in less hotels that AirBNB rentals. I love the experience of airBNB - the discovery, connection, exploration. It feels like a destination, rather than a stop.(Check out this awesome TED talk about designing for trust by Airbnb cofounder: http://www.ted.com/talks/joe_gebbia_how_airbnb_designs_for_trust)

However, I wondered if hotels suffered as a consequence. My assumption was that due to airBNB's rise, hotels must see less growth... My quick research yielded that the topic was more multifaceted - hotels and airBNB tend to target different markets.

Source 1:

Source 2: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2015/07/airbnb_disrupting_hotels_it_hasn_t_happened_yet_and_both_are_thriving_what.html

Still, I wondered: How might hotels stay competitive against airBnB? I created a pros and cons list(see attached) and did my DailyUI around a hotel that took on the some airBnB traits while retaining its own USP.

(Photos from unsplash.com)

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