AI Design Tool Canvas
Building with AI tools is great. Designing in AI tools, less so.
An important part of the design process is to iterate on different variants of a solution. These iterations happen at all levels of product design. You may have a new idea that you want to inject into an existing flow, or a new way you want to present information on the UI.
Canvas based tools have been successful because they afford designers space to lay out and work through multiple variants of a design in one space. However, as they exist today, AI tools force designers to iterate on a single version of a product at one time. This means that designers are less likely to explore the boundaries of a solution, at the risk of breaking a good or safe solution though it may not be the best.
So I wanted to explore a tool that allows a designer to branch a design into exploratory variants, while also giving the designer space and flexibility to design with AI not just at the view level, but at the flow/app level as well.