Claude 3.9 Golem
Claude is currently the best LLM. It codes entire apps in one go (not in one shot). Are they good? Hard to say, but no one seems to care. So “it’s a vibe” as the marketing gurus say (it is, in fact, not a vibe). Claude does psychoanalysis. It knows your heart rate and what you ate for breakfast. How? We’re not sure, but it does.
So what is the one thing missing from Claude? The most difficult thing conceivable. A pleasant color palette.
Many have complained that Anthropic has a terrible brand. But that’s not true. They made some quite bold and unique decisions with the font pairing. It’s generally well-considered, although when observed closely, the design is severely lacking in attention to detail.
As for color—yes, they went warm. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say they went warm-gray. Which is to say not particularly warm at all. Warm palettes are a tough thing to get right, but it can be done. That’s what I set out to do here in this speculative redesign of Anthropic’s next release: Claude 3.9 Golem.