sharpAI, sports betting artificial intelligence logo design
Logo design exploration for Sharp AI - "the ultimate tool for sports bettors, powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence and revolutionary quantum computing. Built by iGaming insiders and veteran sports traders, SHARP AI analyzes billions of data points to deliver hyper-accurate picks. This isn’t guesswork—it’s domination. With SHARP AI, you’ll go from betting blind to winning like a pro."
The symbol, an S letter mark is based on the shape of an orb which is inspired from the universal symbol of sport - a ball / sphere - is not a perfect circle, but rather a dynamic, layered shape suggesting movement, progress, and a multi-faceted approach to data analysis. The sharp angles and dynamic form of the 'S' hint at the precision and cutting-edge technology while the overlapping layers of the orb symbolize the complex algorithms and multi-layered analysis that the AI performs. It hints at the "insider" knowledge and "veteran sports traders" behind the tool, suggesting a deep understanding of the intricacies of sports betting. Unused direction.
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