SystemOne clinical reporting app

About this work

SystemOne moves critical health data in real-time and improves global health by providing the right information to the right people in the right form. The platform provides insight into disease patterns and treatment outcomes and has reported 1.5 million results to users in over 40 countries. My role is a product designer of apps and web-apps that allow clinicians and other stakeholders to view data generated from testing devices, including test results and a devices operational data.

What it accomplished

  • SystemOne's main app, Aspect Reporter cut reporting times from 3-4 weeks to a matter of days. In one study a 28% improvement of patient outcome was achieved. ROI is hard to determine but has been estimated at 5-10K per patient that did not contract TB. Add to this the relief to patients when they are able to be treated in a timely manner.

David Parrish-Hill
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