The Brutalist Movie Poster Photomontage

Variations of The Brutalist movie poster with world monuments.

Made with Adobe Photoshop.

Credits Unsplash :

Big Ben by Diogo Nunes (@dialex)

Burj Khalifa by Jeff Tumale (@jeff_tumale)

Chichén Itzá by E Mens (@kwakus)

Cristo Redentor by Mauricio Artieda (@macphoto)

Colosseo by Andrea Cipriano (@andreaciprianoo)

Kremlin by Adrien Wodey (@adrienwodey)

Great Sphinx of Giza by Dilip Poddar (@dilip_28)

Sydney Opera House by Jayden So (@jaydn_so)

Eiffel Tower by Jungxon (@xxxon)

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