Characterz 5 - Massive 3D character generator

We made a massive 3D character generator - CHARACTERZ 5 πŸ”—

You can make 3,000,000,000 combinations - 3 BILLIONS! of cartoon 3D characters

Blender source files are included so you can customize them to your needs.

What else is included? πŸ“¦

βœ… Adultz (male and female) as original Characterz 3-pack

βœ… Tallz (male and female) modular tall 3D cartoon characters

βœ… Aunts & Unclez (male and female) modular overweight 3D cartoon character

βœ… Elderz (male and female) modular elder 3D cartoon character

βœ… Teenz (boy and girl) in various skin colors, clothes, poses, 3D objects

βœ… Babiez (boy and girl) in various skin colors, clothes, poses, 3D objects

βœ… Petz (Shiba Inu, Husky, Cat, Bird)

βœ… Fit Body (Fit bodies adult character in sports clothes and poses)

βœ… Roomz (17 3D rooms match the art of Characterz 5 pack)

βœ… Character generator version 2.0 - generate hundreds of 3D cartoon characters in seconds

βœ… Beginner friendly tutorial included

... and much, much more!

Learn more: CHARACTERZ 5 πŸ”—

Easy to use 3D character generator

Every 3D pack is modular

You can easily customize it so it will meet your needs


Examples of what other designers did


Cartoon 3D characters used in cute kawaii style UI
Cartoon 3D avatars used in UI
Doge coin website with cartoon 3D models of dog



3D cartoon stylized character of Steve Jobs in Apple
3D model of bakery with cute cartoon 3D characters
3D cartoon characters from the smallest to the eldest one


Check out the webpage: CHARACTERZ 5 πŸ”—

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