Splash Screen Lottie Animation for mobile app "Vimi"
🚀 Smooth App Launch Animation for Vimi!
Just wrapped up a minimalist and lightweight splash screen animation for Vimi, a brand specializing in vitamins, proteins, and health supplements. Using LottieFiles, I crafted an optimized animation (only 13KB!), ensuring a seamless experience on both iOS and Android. The goal? Enhance brand identity while keeping the app lightning-fast! ⚡
Check out the animation in action! 🎬👇
#Lottie #MotionDesign #UIUX #Animation #AppDesign #LottieFiles #MicroAnimation #Vimi #SplashScreen #MobileApps #ProductDesign
More by Vlad Masalov • Web Motion Designer View profile
Services by Vlad Masalov • Web Motion Designer