Cidade app - B Inspired section

Short selection of screens regarding the Fashion section from the Cidade "super app" project. ✨

Cidade is an ambitious super app designed to serve the district of Cidade in São Paulo, Brazil—a historic area undergoing a massive transformation. As part of an extensive renovation plan, Cidade is being reimagined into a vibrant hub featuring high-end boutiques, luxury shopping, diverse businesses, cultural events, and fine dining experiences. This ambitious revitalization effort required a digital ecosystem capable of supporting the district’s growing demands, making the Cidade super app a fundamental pillar of this transformation.

B Inspired is the social media heart of the Cidade super app—an Instagram-like platform where users and influencers can share their experiences and inspire others. Whether it's posting about a dining experience at a top restaurant, attending an exclusive fashion show, exploring cultural events, or enjoying the district’s vibrant lifestyle, this section brings Cidade’s energy to life through user-generated content.

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Jose Antonio Orellana
UX Designer and 3D modeling learner

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