Valentino Rudy


Market research and expansion of distribution channels for the Valentino Rudy brand.

Valentino Rudy is a men’s fashion brand specializing in high-quality shirts. The brand seeks to explore new market opportunities and expand its distribution channels.

SUFFIX conducted an in-depth study of Valentino Rudy’s target market, focusing on evaluating market size, analyzing industry competitors, and assessing innovative technologies or processes in shirt production. This analysis enabled the brand to develop outstanding products tailored to customer needs.

Additionally, SUFFIX formulated an effective communication strategy to enhance brand awareness and product appeal. The plan also included expanding distribution channels by establishing online stores on leading platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and TikTok Shop, thereby broadening the customer base and boosting sales.


Account Executive

Supasuta Netrungsee

Digital Marketer

Chatarin Inmuang

Digital Designer

Nutnicha Chanpia


Jate Saitthiti

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